IPOS Excluded Days: 1 to 13 May 2024

April 23, 2024
Tags : News

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has issued Registries Practice Direction No. 1 of 2024 (“Practice Direction”) to specify 1 – 13 May 2024 as excluded days for all business under the Patents Act 1994 and Rules, the Trade Marks Act 1998 and Rules, the Registered Designs Act 2000 and Rules, the Plant Varieties Protection Act 2004 and Rules, and the Geographical Indications Act 2014 and Rules 2019, except for the business described in Section II of the Practice Direction (i.e., “Transactable Business”).

The Practice Direction has been issued in order to facilitate the migration of the IPOS Digital Hub to the Government on Commercial Cloud platform, and may be accessed via the link: https://www.ipos.gov.sg/docs/default-source/resources-library/registries-practice-direction-no-1-of-2024.pdf?sfvrsn=84708b70_1

Please note that as per paragraph 3 and Section II of the Practice Direction, Transactable Business can still be carried out via alternative filing modes. In particular, filing a Request for Grant of a Patent (PF1) and seeking Written Authority Sought Under Section 34 can be carried out via the alternative filing modes.

Generally speaking, we would encourage Applicants having business with deadlines due in the period 1 – 13 May 2024 to provide instructions as soon as possible. If there is anything in which we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
